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The Angel Projects of America
God's Healing Wings
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February News!
Hi everyone! We've been pretty busy at the end of last year and hit the ground running for 2021! Work continued on all projects because...

Happy New Year and we at The Angel Projects of America, wish you a healthy and happy 2021!
I am looking forward…. Forward to a new year, new projects and an overall new refreshing outlook. 2020 has been difficult for all of us...

Merry Christmas!
Our 1st Newsletter introduced our international team so you could see the faces behind the words and works! God leads our hearts and is...
The Angel Projects of America's Newsletter Weekly Updates and News
Welcome to our 1st online newsletter! We want to make sure you all are updated on the projects and the people that we help. So ......

Never Have to say 'No' Again
In the fall of 2015, The Angel Projects had the pleasure of expanding our ministry beyond the country of Haiti and the Angel Project...

Twelve Days in 2017
The twelve days we were in Haiti, starting on New Year's Eve, were extremely productive! The women completed so many dresses and started...

Footsteps through Haiti
Nadege, one of our Angels, spent 4 years in Haiti and has just returned home to Illinois. These were her words when she first left...

SHENIDA (Our Littlest Angel)
We are seeking sponsorship for Shenida's care, which will cost $50 per month. This amount will include food, clothing, school costs, and...
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