The Education Project

In August 2017, TAPU started two new Education Projects, one in Kashija and one in the mountain village of Rushaga.
The Education Projects are providing English as a Second Language (ESL) instruction to the women of these two villages. Learning English is essential for these women so that they can communicate with tourists both in the market and in their souvenir shop. In addition, English is the language used in local schools, so learning English will enable these women to help their children with homework, which will lead to a higher level of academic success for the local children.
The women have wanted to learn English and are very excited to have The Angel Projects Uganda Team meeting that need with weekly classes. Another aspect of TAPU's education project is ensuring that all the children of Kashija can attend school.
TAPU helps by providing school supplies, such as pens and pencils, notebooks, math kits, and backpacks through donations. In addition, TAPU helps with exam fees and lunch costs.