The Greenhouse Project

The realization of our greenhouse project has exceeded our expectations, and we are so excited about the impact it’s going to have on the community!
This project began when we saw a need for fresh vegetables to fill a nutrition gap in the locals’ diet, particularly amongst the elderly. The idea for the project was first introduced by Danielle Clark, our Angel Projects Brand Ambassador.
Danielle, our Project Manager, saw that with a greenhouse we would be able to grow produce that couldn’t otherwise thrive in this area, and we would be able to grow it year-round. The construction of the greenhouse also fulfills another need, the disposal of used plastic bottles, as the walls are built out of repurposed plastic bottles. In this community, there is no garbage pickup, and the locals often burn their used plastic, releasing dangerous toxins into the air. So, the greenhouse project is the perfect solution to this problem.
Many members of the community have come by to see the greenhouse, and some have expressed an interest in building a greenhouse of their own. We’re confident that this will be a self-sustaining and long-lasting project that will positively impact the entire area.

Help Support our Greenhouse Project