Community Update: August 8, 2024
Hi Friends and Family!
We have been so busy the last few weeks that I haven't had a chance to update you on the latest projects and the community!
Yudes' Remarkable Recovery
Last time I wrote about Yudes, she was very ill, and we were preparing for her last days. Even the priests came to give her the last rites. Our sweet friend and favorite medical doctor, Tonje, visited her on our behalf because Yudes wanted to see her Muzungu before she passed. Susan and I were unable to make it, so Tonje went for us. Yudes was so happy to see her and told everyone that she was ready to die. But God had other plans...

Each day, a new energy was noticed in her, and her strength started to come back slowly by slowly to the point where she was able to get out of bed by herself. Her appetite returned, and she wanted to sit outside and enjoy the sun. Next, she was able to cook some food on her own. Last week, Emily, our Business Manager, went to visit her. Yudes was enjoying the visit and said she wanted to sing me a song and have Emily record it for me to hear.
My heart is overwhelmed with love for Yudes and Caroline! We have dedicated our lives to ensuring our elderly in this community, who have no family to care for them, have us. We want to do all we can to make their years on this earth as comfortable and loving as possible. We are their family! And your support and prayers make you a part of their family as well! Thank you again for your support and dedication to helping us keep this mission alive.
Tourism Class Blossoms
Our tourism class is blossoming, and the students are mastering the trails, birds, and the rich history of this beautiful country! Bwindi is a place of beauty, and we are so blessed to be nestled right in the heart of it. We have some of the last silverback gorillas, but we also have some of the most amazing bird life. Some of these beautiful birds can only be found in certain locations, and our guides are out each week studying them and their habitats so they are ready for you, our dear future clients.
Business Class Milestone
Business Class is celebrating the completion of its first year, and today's class was a review of all they have learned. In two weeks, we will have exams, and our managers are very excited about showing all they have learned. What I found most interesting after sitting in on today's class was that the subjects they were learning about, they were already doing in practice, but now they actually understand the purpose and the outcome. It was really fascinating to see them make the connection between practical and theoretical knowledge.
Thank you all for your continued support and involvement in our community. We couldn't do this without you!