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Hope for Marie

Marie Tugwanise is a beautiful young lady we met last summer. She has always been at the top of her class in school and was accepted to Fort Portal College Of Health Sciences. FPCOHS is regional referral hospital where students learn clinical/practical skills and placed in rural health facilitates around Rwenzori region, pharmaceutical industries in central region and Lacor Hospital in Northern Uganda. This is an prestigious honor to be accepted and being a pharmacist in this part of the world is an extremely marketable skill!

Syliver and Marie go over her acceptance letter
Syliver and Marie go over her acceptance letter

She is the 4th child out of 8 and the only one with the opportunity to continue her education. She was offered this spot at FPCOHS because of her grades in Senior School. Marie studied hard and constantly studied anything she could; even with school closing for the past two years, she never stopped learning. Marie was with our Saving Grace Project last summer where she learned basic first aid and signs and symptoms.

We want to help Marie succeed in securing her tuition and fees this year. She only has 2 weeks to accept and pay before she loses her placement and wait another year. Waiting another year is not a viable option and without our help she will never be able to rise out of the deep poverty that she is living in.

She will have to marry in order to support herself and her mother because her father deserted the family after her found a younger second wife. The poverty they live in is unimaginable and will continue another generation if Marie loses this opportunity. Her sisters have married because they did not have a choice and their mother could not afford to support them. Her mother, Sylvia, does whatever she can to provide school supplies for her children… day farm laborer and making crafts and baskets to sell to tourist (which has been non-existed during the lockdown that is still happening). She never earned enough money to take care of food for the family and definitely not enough for school supplies and fees. The Angel Projects Uganda has helped with school fees and we want to be able to help her continue her education. A chance to end the vicious cycle of poverty for her and her family.

In rural Uganda there isn't always a second opportunity. Marie is a young girl and is a target for older men who would promise her mother to marry her and protect her, but will only keep her at the mercy of the cycle of poverty and oppression. Let's work together to give the wings and hope for a brighter future.

We are raising $1,200.00 for her first year which will cover tuition, fees, supplies, certifications, and housing.

To become a sponsor for Marie, click the link below

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